Top 20 HR Metrics to Track in 2023

In today's dynamic business landscape, HR professionals and business leaders are steering their organizations toward success through data-driven insights.


It allows them to make more informed decisions that help foster a healthier, more productive, and inclusive workforce that’s ready to propel the company towards success.

In this blog, we're delving into the top 20 pivotal HR metrics that can transform your workforce strategies. But that's not all – contact us to get free samples of our HR Dashboards to gain a better comprehension of the valuable insights that each metric offers.

Let’s dive in!

Transform HR Data Into Meaningful Insights

1. Cost per Hire

Shows how much your company spends on average to acquire a new employee.

Cost per hire = [Internal recruitment costs + external recruitment costs] / total number of hires

Significance: Helps your company understand recruitment efficiency, control expenses, and make informed decisions to optimize hiring processes.

2. First-Year Attrition Rate

The percentage of employees leaving your company within their first year.

First-year attrition rate = (number of employees who left in the first year) / (total number of employees hired in the same year) x 100

Significance: Reveals early turnover issues and the effectiveness of onboarding and employee engagement efforts.

3. Employee Growth Rate

Measures the percentage increase in your company's workforce over a specific period.

Growth rate = [(number of employees in current period - number of employees in previous interval) / (average number of employees x total workdays ] x 100

Significance: Reflects organizational stability and expansion capacity.

4. Employee Turnover Rate

The percentage of employees who leave your company and must be replaced during a specific period, typically a year.

Employee turnover rate = [No. of employees who have left the organization over a period / total number of employees in the organization at the start of that period] x 100

Significance: Can be used to assess morale, recruitment costs, and company stability.

5. Salary Averages

Refers to the typical or mean income earned by individuals in a specific job, department, or geographic area.

Salary average = Sum of all salaries within group / number of employees in group

Significance: Informs you of compensation competitiveness and budgeting decisions.

6. Salary Range Penetration

Measures how an employee's pay falls within the range of their job, indicating their position relative to the salary scale.

Salary range penetration percentage = [(Salary - Range Min.) / (range max. - range min.)] x 100

Significance: Helps find salary equity and employee position within pay scales.

7. Diversity Ratios

Shows the proportion of different demographic groups in your organization, reflecting inclusivity & representation among employees.

Diversity Ratios = No. of employees in Group 1 : No. of employees in Group 2

Significance: Helps measure inclusivity and fostering a diverse workplace.

8. Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

Gauges the willingness to recommend your company for employment, reflecting employee satisfaction.

eNPS = [(No. of promoters - No. of detractors) / No. of respondents] x 100

Significance: Assesses employee satisfaction and wellness in your company.

9. Absenteeism Rate

Measures the percentage of absences during scheduled work time.

Absenteeism rate = [No. of absences / No. of expected workdays] x 100

Significance: Reveals satisfaction, motivation, and work environment health.

10. Revenue Per Employee

Calculates company revenue per individual employee, indicating efficiency.

Revenue per employee = Total revenue / Total number of employees

Significance: Demonstrates operational efficiency and revenue generation per team member.

11. Profit Per Employee

Measures company profit generated per employee, reflecting performance and value.

Profit per employee = (revenue - operational costs) / total number of employees

Significance: Indicates workforce productivity and contributes to profitability analysis.

12. Internal Promotion Rate

Shows the percentage of promotions from within your organization.

Internal promotion rate = [(number of internal promotions) / (total number of people who started a new role in the same time period)] x 100

Significance: Highlights talent development and retention strategies' effectiveness.

13. Average Cost of Employee Turnover

Calculates expenses related to employee turnover, including recruitment and training.

Average turnover cost = sum of costs associated with turnover / total number of employees who leave the company

Significance: Quantifies the financial impact of employee departures on your company.

14. Employee Retention Rate

Indicates the percentage of employees retained over a specific period.

Employee retention rate = [no. of employees from the original cohort who are still employed / total no. of employees in the organization at the start of that period] x 100

Significance: Measures job satisfaction and effectiveness of retention strategies.

15. Average Tenure Period

Average duration employees stay with your company.

Average tenure period = total number of months or years a cohort has been employed / number of employees

Significance: Indicates workforce stability and long-term commitment to the organization.

16. Training Cost per Employee

Evaluates the cost of training and development for each employee.

Training cost per employee = total training costs / number of employees

Significance: Evaluates the efficiency of training programs and resource allocation.

17. Internal Pay Gap

Compares salaries between different employee levels within your organization to assess equity.

Internal pay gap = [(Average salary of group 1 - Average salary of group 2) / Average salary of group 1] x 100

Significance: Monitors pay equity and potential morale and turnover issues.

18. HR Initiative Completion Rate

Measures the percentage of successfully executed HR projects or programs.

Initiative completion rate = number of employees who completed the training / total number of employees

Significance: Measures the success of HR projects, impacting organizational goals and culture.

19. Offer Acceptance Rate

The percentage of job offers accepted by candidates from your company.

Offer acceptance rate = number of offers accepted / number of offers made

Significance: Reflects recruitment effectiveness and the company's attractiveness to candidates.

20. Human Capital Cost

Refers to the total expenses associated with managing and maintaining your workforce.

Human Capital Cost = Pay + Benefits + Contingent Labor Cost / Full Time Equivalents.

Significance: Quantifies the investment required for workforce management and development.

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